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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Blog / Bloggin’, taggin’, squeezin’

Bloggin’, taggin’, squeezin’

SimpleTags plugin looks VEEERY simple, and I guess it could work even out of the box, even though I haven’t tried :)

Just to let you know :)

update… ooook. No, it doesn’t work out of the box, but… quite…

Well, let me first explain why it’s not (even though you probably don’t mind :D). FlatPress is designed to avoid using globals. Globals are variables which are declared/assigned out of a function, and that are in the outer “scope” of the script. So these variables “float” around without a father… and, IMO, they look quite untidy :P

You can put your globals into a class bundled together with your plugin functions, or use a static variable in your functions (I like this one, for instance), or, if you do not plain to change those variables during the execution, you can define() a constant.

The constant is the method I prefer because this way you don’t have to use the language instruction “global” to import from globals into current lexical scope the global vars; you just do

define('MY_CONSTANT', 'hello world');
function my_function {
     echo "I'm saying " . MY_CONSTANT;

with globals you would have done

$my_var = 'hello world';
function my_function {
     global $my_var;
     echo "I'm saying " . $my_var;

and actually in FlatPress in plugins you would be forced to use

global $my_var;
$my_var = 'hello world';
function my_function {
     global $my_var;
     echo "I'm saying " . $my_var;

which is quite verbose

(note: I know I can do $GLOBALS[’my_var’] = ‘hello world’, but it’s quite verbose as well, isn’t it?)

bye ;)